Z.com Research Survey and Experience Stories
Monitoring of the referrals experience is an important component in this context. It not only gives you insights that allow you to evaluate the level of pleasure that your referrals have, but it also gives you the tools that you need to fine-tune your marketing efforts in order to achieve unprecedented levels of success.
We started by asking what kind of referral mechanism they utilized for the referral program.
74.11% of respondents use WhatsApp, 34.04% use email to send invitations, 32.62% use Instagram, 31.21% use Facebook, and 29.43% send your unique invitation URL directly. The results showed that WhatsApp is the most popular method of invitation sending. Other platforms, such as X (which was formerly known as Twitter), other social media, QR codes, and so on are utilized by the rest.Furthermore we asked what were your motivations for participating in the referral program and introducing Z.com Research?
A total of 51.06% of individuals are interested in the incentive for referrals. In order to acquire more points, 51.42 percent of participants sign up for the program in ways that go beyond merely responding to surveys. 46.45% of people sign up in order to share a website with other people that makes a significant amount of revenue. Through the completion of surveys, 39.01% of individuals are able to improve their level of comprehension. 38.65% believe that the dissemination of ideas through the use of surveys is significant. The purpose of participating in the referral program by 32.98 percent of participants is to share their delight and satisfaction with other people. The content and the features of the website are deemed satisfactory by 32.62 percent of the overall population.Who did you introduce Z.com Research to?
61.70% of them have introduced Z.com Research to family members, while 70.08% have presented to friends. There are 16.67% of people who introduce it to users who visit a website or blog, and there are 9.57% of people who present it to members of social networking sites.When we ask our referrals to please tell us what they believe is wonderful about the referral program, we encourage them to share their thoughts. They really helped us to know their feedbacks.
“It's all awesome. it encourage to share feeling and knowledge through survey..I can say that survey is gateway of knowledge and discussion..together we can make or build better environment. ““It gives me a chance to earn referral bonus and to share a method of earning some cast with others.”
“Well points which z. Com offering I mean it's good to have more points when a referal do surveys with which I can credit more points from them”
“Encourages people to use their spare time in something which will be useful to share our opinion. Consumer opinion real matters.”
We wanted to improve ourselves, so we invited them to share their comments with us on what changes they would like to see made to our referral program.
“The referral time is 3 months to get credited point in the account can you please decrease the time to complete referral process.”“Would like the points to be credited as soon as the new referred person surveys point reached 2000 points”
“I don't think so that there is anything I could suggest in general because everything seems to be good and accurate as per my experience. One thing I personally would like to suggest you that try to introduce surprise gift points in everyday survey's.”
“The completion of surveys for the referred persons should be reduced. I.e, 2-3 surveys in a month rather than 15 surveys in a month. In this way the total reward points time will reduce to one month which would motivate more people to participate.”
Without a doubt, we will look for the feedbacks and work to improve ourselves more.